Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Y11 GCSE Project

Work has been emailed to all students, please ensure that work is completed before the deadline of the 21st November. 

Please shout if you need any further support. 

Y11 GCSE Project


Monday, 7 October 2013

Y13 Past Paper Questions

1. The concept of achievement motivation has often been put forward to explain individual responses of competition in sport. By using examples from sport, explain what is meant by the terms need to achieve and need to avoid failure.
                                                                  (4 marks)

2. One aspect of personality is achievement motivation. What are the characteristics of an individual with a motive to achieve success?                             
                                                                 (4 marks)

Due in Wednesday 9th October.  

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

GCSE Work to be completed

Complete the work on the attached sheet. 

To be completed and sent/shared by 11th October 2013

Help sheet


Friday, 27 September 2013

Y10 BTEC Sport

Homework due in Thursday 3rd October 2013

Define Components of Skill Related Fitness and provide examples of athletes that require each component to excel within their chosen activity. 

Use images to support your answers. 


Saturday, 21 September 2013

GCSE PE Project

GCSE Students need to complete the work during lessons and at appropriate times. 

Work needs to be completed and sent/shared with Mr Brown on/for 3rd October 2013. 

  • Identify Health and Skill Related components of Fitness and Identify how they are applicable to you in your sport. 
  • Create a table to show results from your fitness tests. 
  • Compare to normative data (brianmac.co.uk) 
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses (EXPLAIN!!!!!)
  • Identify, describe and explain methods of training  and link them to components of fitness. 
  • Identify Fitness tests and describe the method to completing them and the component of fitness being tested. 

Friday, 20 September 2013

AS PE Work

To be completed Monday 23rd Sept

Assignment 1 – Classification of Skill

1.      Take a named skill from you main assessed activity and place it on all 6 continua:
• muscular involvement    • environmental influences     • continuity      • pacing                  • difficulty         • organisation                                                                                                [3]

  1. In each case justify your placement on the continuum.                                                      [6]       
  2. Why is it necessary for a coach or teacher to have an understanding of skill classification?                                                                                                              [3]
(Assignment marks = 12, pass mark = 9)

Optional Extension Work (essential if your goal is to gain an A or B grade).

3)   The diagram below shows a classification profile for the racing start in swimming.

Gross         X                                         Fine                       Muscular Involvement

Closed          X                                      Open                      Environmental Influences

Discrete    X                                          Continuous            Continuity

Self                                     X                 External                 Pacing

Low                                       X             High                       Organisation
                                                                                                      (after Stallings, 1982)

a)   With reference to the profile, describe the racing start in terms of each of the five continua.                                                                                                             (5 marks)
bi)   Using the same five continua, sketch a profile to describe the characteristics of a tennis serve.                                                                                                                 (3 marks)

bii)  Justify your choice of position on the continua for organisation and environmental influences.                                                                                                             (5 marks)

‘Take a named skill’        this means that you must identify the skill ie. A shoulder pass in netball, a penalty kick in rugby.
Placing on a continuum – don’t forget this shouldn’t always be at one end or the other of the continuum.

Optional Qu 3bii)             this question is worth 5 marks so make sure you give enough justifications for the 2 continua.

A2 PE Work

Exam Questions to be completed by Wednesday 25th Sept

1.Some psychologists think that personality is an enduring trait. What is meant by the trait approach and what are its drawbacks?       (3 Marks)

2.Explain the interactionist approach to personality research and explain why is solves some of the problems associated with trait theories. (3 marks)

Research has tried to establish a link between the psychology and physiology of performance. Trait theories may be used to explain several psychological constructs.
(a) (i) Briefly explain personality according to trait theory.                  (3 marks)


Tuesday, 16 July 2013

GCSE Personal Exercise Programme Preparation

Please use the attached link to complete some prep for your PEP. 

Deadline for submission is 3rd September 2013.


Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Y10 Core GCSE Theory Wednesday P4

Well done on your recent test. I will share your results with you when I'm back.

Today you need to begin to research our next topic. 

The Cardiovascular system

Please use the textbooks, netbooks (bitesize) and your revision guides to make notes or create posters (I know how much you all like a poster) on the following topics:

The structure and function of the Cardiovascular System

Key Terms - heart rate, stoke volume etc

The effects of exercise on the CV System (Short and Long)

Effects of drugs (Alcohol, smoking etc)

Please leave completed work, folders and workbooks on my desk for marking. 


Y7 Trampolining Wednesday P3

Students are required to create a poster to identify possible health and safety issues in a trampolining lesson in the gym at The Cooper School.

They should include pictures and text to highlight:

  • Appropriate clothing and equipment
  • Additional equipment (mats etc)
  • Why we warm up and the 3 stages of a warm up
Once completed students should design their own 10 bounce routine to be performed during their next lesson. BE CREATIVE!!!!!


Y10 GCSE PE Wednesday P2

The Respiratory System.

Following your results in the recent test which I will share with you when I'm back you need to: 

1. Continue with your posters from yesterdays lesson. You will need 1 each to assist your revision for exams later in the year.

Once they are completed you should make more detailed notes under the following headings and use textbooks, revision guides and netbooks (bitesize or S-Kool) to assist you:

Parts and Function of The Respiratory System

The Mechanics of Breathing (Inspiration and Expiration)

The short and long term effects of exercise on the Respiratory System

The effects of Alcohol and Smoking on the Respiratory System

Key Terms.

I expect there to be no problems with the set work, and please leave your folders and books on my desk to be marked over half term. 


Sunday, 3 February 2013


Work for Monday 4th February 2013


Complete the tasks in the worksheet and hand in work on Wednesday 6th February. 

See me before lunch on Monday if you have any questions. 


Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Y10 GCSE PE Wednesday 23rd Jan P4

Students need to prepare for a test on:

Components of Fitness
Methods of Training
Fitness Testing
Principles of Training

They can make posters, booklets or any other useful revision material under the above headings. 

The booklets may be of use ( I would use them!!!!)

Test next Monday 28th January 2013



Y10 GCSE PE P2 Wednesday 23rd Jan

Worksheets to be completed

Complete worksheets ensuring that you identify and list any Key Terms as they come up. 

We will be preparing for a test on the Respiratory System next week. 


GCSE PE Revision

The Respiratory System. 

Worksheets to assist learning

Use these to reinforce what you have learnt in the revision session. 


AS PE Work Wednesday 23rd Jan

Today's lesson

Use the powerpoint and make notes using textbooks under each of the sub headings. 

Ensure that the Exam question and task from last lesson are completed for Friday. 


Tuesday, 22 January 2013

AS PE Work

Power point and homework for tomorrows lesson.

Powerpoint from Mondays lesson

Hope it works this time. 

Sunday, 20 January 2013

GCSE PE Analysis of Performance

Attached task sheets and workbook to assist prep for Analysis of Performance.

Worksheet and Task Sheet


AS PE Work

Information and handouts for Mondays lesson. 

All work to be completed before Wednesdays lesson.

Powerpoint and Handouts